
Showing posts from December, 2015

A Triply Blessed Christmas

How was your Christmas? I can't believe the holiday is over already. Our celebrations actually started about a week ago with us hosting Christmas party #1 at our home. (Uncle Matt's head is cut off in this photo, but we won't fire the photographer.) The Christmas Eve service at church was fantastic, as always,  and even better- the babies all behaved. Have you ever noticed how children behave differently when dressed really nicely? Aria glided around like a little princess, very prim and proper in her Christmas dress, which matched Livi's. We managed to open presents with my side of the family after church and before the babies got too fussy for bed time. Santa came to our house the next morning.  He was very good to us. Aria's favorite toy is her new village of Little People. The boys are in love with this toy book and Livi has a new best friend- her very first doll.

Six Year Anniversary

Today marks the first day of winter. It also marks the anniversary of our wedding day. Happy anniversary to my best friend! Six years ago today, we were in Jamaica on a beach, making the commitment to spend the rest of our lives together, and asking God to bless our marriage. The wedding was supposed to be in the sand, next to the ocean, but the weather had other plans. Rain kept us in a gazebo. The Jamaicans assured us many times over that rain "ruining" our sandy beach wedding plans was ok. "Don't worry, mon. Rain on ya weddin' day means lots of baaaaaaaabies!" Oh, how clueless we were six years ago today what "lots of babies" would mean for us. We are hoping for a nice dinner at The Melting Pot tonight if Mimi and Papa can come babysit "lots of babies". How exciting does that sound? Have a great day, all.

'Twas the Week Before Christmas

'Twas the week before Christmas when all through the house, every creature was stirring even the Christmas mouse. The seven stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that the elf would do another dare. The babies were swaddled all snug in their bed but they would rather be fighting over toys instead. The brothers are bonding the sisters are too, while Momma preps the house for Christmas gathering #1, all Aria really wants is to be at the zoo. Babies love their cereal and Aria loves shopping at Target while wrapping and prepping for Christmas, I'm sure there's something I'll forget. I'm excited for parties and having family near we hope you all have a happy Christmas and merry New Year!

Five Month Shenanigans

It's time for the 5 month update! Here's what all three of the triplets  are up to at 5 months of age: 1. taking great 2-3 hour afternoon naps at the same time (most days) 2. enjoying sitting up, with assistance 3. lots of laughing 4. tugging, hitting, poking each other 5. stealing each others' toys 6. loving their Paci-Plushies 7. longer tummy time 8. forced to play together in a small space while Mommy showers 9. "new" cool toys (new to them, but they're hand-me-downs) 10. our new play mat (Mommy loves this padded mat too after sitting on the floor all day!) Livi Weighing in at almost 13 pounds, this little thing is finally fitting 3-6 months clothing, only because she's just about too long for the smaller size. Her two front, bottom teeth are in with a couple more in the back making their way up. That's got to hurt. Livi now prefers sitting up in any way over lying on the