Five Month Shenanigans

It's time for the 5 month update!

Here's what all three of the triplets  are up to at 5 months of age:

1. taking great 2-3 hour afternoon naps at the same time (most days)

2. enjoying sitting up, with assistance

3. lots of laughing

4. tugging, hitting, poking each other

5. stealing each others' toys

6. loving their Paci-Plushies

7. longer tummy time

8. forced to play together in a small space while Mommy showers

9. "new" cool toys (new to them, but they're hand-me-downs)

10. our new play mat (Mommy loves this padded mat too after sitting on the floor all day!)


Weighing in at almost 13 pounds, this little thing is finally fitting 3-6 months clothing, only because she's just about too long for the smaller size.

Her two front, bottom teeth are in with a couple more in the back making their way up. That's got to hurt.

Livi now prefers sitting up in any way over lying on the floor.

When it comes to eating, she is already finicky. At least she is now caught up on the amount of formula she drinks in comparison to the boys, but it's slow-going when she eats.

When it comes to her cereal, she would rather smile and talk instead of eat.

She is also rolling tummy to back and back to tummy!


The boys definitely have their own personalities, which makes it easier for me to tell them apart. Beckett, who probably weighs about 17.5 pounds now, is more demanding. He is the quietest of the trio and could stay on his tummy all day long.

Beckett is also doing well at sitting up with help.

During cereal time, he cracks me up because he loves his food. He wishes I would feed him, and him only. When he sees the spoon coming towards him, he quickly shoves his fist in his mouth, hoping to keep every little bite of the oatmeal all to himself.


My heaviest baby, Henry, is a momma's boy. He generally wakes up so happy to see me, with coos, laughs and grins.

He is the most laid back of the triplets. Many times another baby could be screaming in his ear and we will continue to smile at me trying to calm down said baby.

When it comes to oatmeal, he is content being the first, last or middle one to be fed. He just smiles at me while he eats.

The poor guy is still struggling with keeping his head up straight, but we will get there.

I always feel like I'm forgetting to add other fun info, so hopefully that's not the case today. It gets a little hectic trying to blog and take care of these little ankle biters angels at the same time.

Have an amazing day!


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