
Showing posts from May, 2016

Summer Lovin'

Hi, friends. Livi and Henry would like to share some exciting news with you. Livi has had her helmet off for about a month now  and Henry just a couple of weeks, but yesterday was our last visit to Hanger Clinic because they are officially done with their cranial molding! Just look at these beautifully shaped heads. The before and after pictures tell the story. Livi's Before: Notice the asymmetry on the right side of her head. Livi's After: She went from 15mm of asymmetry to 4mm.  Also, take a look at her proximal growth on the top of her head compared to what it was before the helmet. Henry's before: (It's pretty much the same as Livi's.) Henry's After: Amazing improvement and we are so thankful for a great experience with the Hangar Clinic . We are also thankful for summer. Our social life has greatly improved because of school being out and teachers on break. We've already had three play dates this week!

Mother's Day Top Four For My Four

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Oh, wrong holiday. Just kidding. Happy Mother's Day.   #RealLife           After church this morning (a terrific sermon on showing mercy and grace), we hosted a BBQ for our moms. I lasted a whole two hours into the party before falling asleep next to Aria after lying her down for a nap. That didn't surprise me. What did surprise me was the gift I received from my mother-in-law.     "All the love a heart can hold" I love it! I can't wait to hang it in the triplets' room. For a Mother's Day gift to myself, I decided to relax and write about the top four best things about being a mom of four under the age of three. # 4: The sibling friendship. It's almost as though they know already they'll be best friends for life. They may fight over toys, keep each other awake, and get into mischief together,  but these things are all part of loving each other. #3: Giv