Summer Lovin'

Hi, friends.

Livi and Henry would like to share some exciting news with you.

Livi has had her helmet off for about a month now

 and Henry just a couple of weeks,

but yesterday was our last visit to Hanger Clinic because they are officially done with their cranial molding! Just look at these beautifully shaped heads.

The before and after pictures tell the story.

Livi's Before:

Notice the asymmetry on the right side of her head.

Livi's After:

She went from 15mm of asymmetry to 4mm.  Also, take a look at her proximal growth on the top of her head compared to what it was before the helmet.

Henry's before:

(It's pretty much the same as Livi's.)

Henry's After:

Amazing improvement and we are so thankful for a great experience with the Hangar Clinic.

We are also thankful for summer. Our social life has greatly improved because of school being out and teachers on break. We've already had three play dates this week! Thank you, Jessica, for bringing your girls over on Monday to play with Aria and giving me some adult socialization.

Tuesday was pretty low key thanks to all the rain, so we stayed in our PJs and kept ourselves entertained indoors.

sticker princess dress-up

Aria's room play time

babies taking care of babies

spelling practice
 On Wednesday, Courtney brought Oliver to see Aria. We played inside and out.

Thanks for the company and cookies, Courtney. :)

And last but not least, Miss Kaitlynn joined us today. Just look at these cuties.

Unfortunately today I also had to take Aria to the doctor for a spider bite, which she probably got while outside in her play house.

She's ok and didn't need a steroid, but the pediatrician did inform me that the spiders are out in full force right now because we didn't have a big, bad winter to kill a lot of them off. I'll definitely be keeping up with my all natural spider repellent spray for inside the house from now on.

And just for fun, here's what I looked like a year ago this week.

Now instead of three babies in my belly, I have four at my leggings-covered ankles every day and night.

The latter is much more awesome.

Have a good one!


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