Watermelon, Triplet Mom Friends and AC
Did you know if you write down three things you're thankful for everyday, you will notice a positive difference in your level of happiness within three weeks? (I leaned this in church this week.) Psalm 100:1-5 Since I am on Day Three of Whole30 today, I thought this practice of writing down three things that make me happy every day would go well with my new diet. Yes, there is no shame in being thankful for watermelon on a hot day like today. Really, all three go hand in hand after spending a couple hours at the zoo with friends. We tried to stay inside as much as possible, but Aria loves the train rides. People always stop and ask us, "Are they twins? Oh they're triplets? How do you do it?" I usually respond about drinking wine every evening, but now that I'm on the Whole30 challenge, that isn't happening. More than wine, though, I miss the Mio Energy drink. Sure, I can have black coffee, but ...