
Showing posts from June, 2014

Summer Birthdays, Holidays and Playing. Oh My!

Since I'm not working full time, I should have lots more time to blog, right? Not so much. My posts have been few and far between. That Summer To-Do list is keeping us oh-so busy! I wouldn't describe swimming lessons as a win, sadly. Aria had a great time, but with all the rain and the cool temperatures, the water was frigid and several lessons were canceled due to storms. Even with cool water temperatures, I still took Aria to swim at a friend's for my sister's birthday. The sun felt great, though! The next activity we crossed off our list was to explore the Burr Oaks Nature Center.  My friend and I got our exercise in by walking the trails and the kids got to chase each other around after our picnic.   I would only recommend the Burr Oak Woods trails if you have a jogging stroller. Not all the trails are paved and pushing a regular stroller over gravel can be quite the chore! Besides the trails, there isn't much more to d

Spiritual Sisters

As I have written about before , I follow an online Bible study called She Reads Truth . Recently, this blog has encouraged followers to share how they follow and apply what we've learned through this study to our own lives. This week, the topic is our spiritual mothers, sisters and daughters . I can not agree more that we need to lean on other women with our faith to grow and bond together for ourselves and our relationships. SRT has asked its readers,  How is spiritual mothering already taking place in your community? I would like to take the opportunity today to break away from my typical ramblings on motherhood and instead ramble on about friendship and faith.  My good friend, Kim, is someone I would consider a spiritual mother. Seven years ago, I nervously walked onto the stage of First Baptist Raytown to begin my first Sunday as a member of the Celebration Orchestra. Kim wasn't at rehearsal the Wednesday before due to her work schedule, but the moment I met her t

Our Favorite Outdoor Toys

Can I just say... this summer is going to be way more fun than last summer. Don't get me wrong, we had a great time last summer when she was a newborn. Now that she is one, though, it's easier to play together. She has her favorite outside toys- anything she can open and close repeatedly. Anything she can go for a ride in, she adores. Along with play time outside, we started that Summer To Do list yesterday. A little advice: visit the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead on one of the days when it isn't free (Friday-Sunday). There are way less people, and you still can't beat $2 per person. She enjoyed the animals, but she just may have liked the time on the playground more. Of course, these adventures are always more fun with your besties. Saturday is for something that is not  on our checklist. Our freezer has been leaking water. My dad figured out what the problem is. Can you guess what we will have

You Know It's Summer When...

As a teacher, you know it's summer when... ~ you and your children eat lunches outside. ~ all you want to do is play with water toys. ~ you get extra time to spend at your parents' house. ~ you can take your baby on runs whenever you feel like it. ~you can stay in your PJs as long as you want. ~ you look forward to vacations, ~ even if it means leaving your baby and hubby behind, ~ and traveling with your students. ~ you are sad to leave your uber-silly students, ~ but ecstatic to get home to your baby. Because summer means swim lessons, new toys climbing stairs (with mom's help, of course!) and whatever else the princess wants to do! My ninth annual Washington, DC trip put me home late Saturday night, so summer just started for us Sunday. I've barely made a dent in my Summer To Do list , but Aria has given my plenty to do! Come Friday, that list will start d