Spiritual Sisters

As I have written about before, I follow an online Bible study called She Reads Truth. Recently, this blog has encouraged followers to share how they follow and apply what we've learned through this study to our own lives.

This week, the topic is our spiritual mothers, sisters and daughters. I can not agree more that we need to lean on other women with our faith to grow and bond together for ourselves and our relationships.

SRT has asked its readers, How is spiritual mothering already taking place in your community? I would like to take the opportunity today to break away from my typical ramblings on motherhood and instead ramble on about friendship and faith. 

My good friend, Kim, is someone I would consider a spiritual mother. Seven years ago, I nervously walked onto the stage of First Baptist Raytown to begin my first Sunday as a member of the Celebration Orchestra. Kim wasn't at rehearsal the Wednesday before due to her work schedule, but the moment I met her that Sunday morning, she made me feel like family.

From that day on, Kim has helped me grow as a Christian. I can always count on her to give me advice and encouraging words when I need it. She has become my mentor without me even having to ask her to do so.  The book of Titus teaches us that "We cannot live in the gospel alone". Kim has helped me learn what that truly means. 

She has also taught me how to help others. Earlier this year, a co-worker told me about her marriage struggles. This co-worker was sharing her faith in God to restore her marriage. In that moment, I thought- "WWKD?" ("What would Kim do?") I knew Kim wouldn't be afraid to offer to pray with her. 

As an introvert, praying out-loud and in public has never been my forte. In that moment, though, I knew I had to step outside of my box. My co-worker accepted my offer to pray together right there in our work room. 

From that day on, we prayed together every morning before school. Eventually, two other co-workers joined us each day for prayer. The four of us looked forward to the fellowship every school day. I am thankful for the bond that Jesus has given to all of us. They became my spiritual sisters.

Kim probably has had no idea that her friendship has helped me grow in my faith, learn how to share my love for God with others, and also gain new friends just by her showing me what true friendship is all about. She didn't do all this by telling. I learned from her example and how she lives her life. It is true that actions speak louder than words. 

Do you have someone in your life that you could call a spiritual mother or sister?


  1. Hi! I'm visiting from She Reads Truth. I'm so blessed to have women in my life that I consider my spiritual mothers, and big sisters... I just have to work on being able to be that for other younger women! xx

  2. Em, I am working on that too! Thanks for sharing!


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