Organizing the Triplet Life
Did you get to get outside to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend? The kids were in heaven with the time outdoors, especially since we have been cooped up inside for quite a while. I've had good luck with taking both Aria and Livi with me while I run quick errands lately. Next time I'll take one of the boys. The kid carts at the store are always a hit. While it's oh-so-fun to get out with the kids, the inside of the house has been driving me crazy lately. I've been trying to de-clutter and organize little bits at a time. So far, I have managed to complete this task of creating a chalkboard wall/ "Command Center" in the kitchen. Aria is my mini organizer. She takes it upon herself to gather up things without my help or prompting. So when Livi's formula came that I ordered from the Target sale, she brought her stool to the kitchen, took all the tubs out of the box and stacked them at Bottle Central. I wanted to keep ...