Seven Month Sickness, Be Gone!

At 7 months old,

I started thinking, "It's time to start getting out. more."

"The socializing will be good times," I told the kids.

"The fresh air will be nice," I said.

"We need to start getting out as a family," I said.

While this is all true and dandy, doing that only brought a nasty stomach virus upon us. The first day was rough.

The second day, everyone was lethargic and whiney. Throw in three teething babies and I was lethargic and whiney too.

At first I thought I had food poisoning from the sushi we had last weekend. 

I was worried our guests would suffer the same fate. 

And maybe even Colbin too,

but luckily all is well,

and today is a better day.

I felt well enough today to work on the mountain of laundry that comes with 4 sick kids- including washing the sheets. Again. Not only that, I also cleaned the mattresses,  washed bath toys and steam-mopped the floors. It was a germ exorcism of sorts.

Oh- and obviously I got everyone dressed for their monthly picture. Aria enjoyed playing photographer and helping me get their attention.

So after all that, you can imagine how Beckett felt about me forcing him to have his picture taken with his siblings.

I'm not going to lie, the last month has been rough for me. The triplets hit the six month point and- BOOM- no more sleepy phase of newborns. Lots of crying due to more and more teeth coming in. Lots of crying because they want to be mobile, but can't quite yet (with the exception of rolling all over the living room.) Lots of crying because they steal each other's toys. (Livi is usually the culprit in this situation.) Lots of crying because they decided to stop sleeping through the night.

But when they do sleep, it's beautiful. Because after a long, stressful day, I love peeking into their room and seeing this. 

My cup runneth over. 


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