Organizing the Triplet Life

Did you get to get outside to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend?

The kids were in heaven with the time outdoors,

especially since we have been cooped up inside for quite a while.

I've had good luck with taking both Aria and Livi with me while I run quick errands lately.

Next time I'll take one of the boys. The kid carts at the store are always a hit.

While it's oh-so-fun to get out with the kids, the inside of the house has been driving me crazy lately. I've been trying to de-clutter and organize little bits at a time. So far, I have managed to complete this task of creating a chalkboard wall/ "Command Center" in the kitchen.

Aria is my mini organizer. She takes it upon herself to gather up things without my help or prompting. So when Livi's formula came that I ordered from the Target sale, she brought her stool to the kitchen, took all the tubs out of the box and stacked them at Bottle Central.

I wanted to keep doing more and more to get the house in tip-top order, but I couldn't ever finish anything because of my four other top priorities.

Because of this, Levi did us all a huge favor by taking all five kids to visit family to give me the day to check off my to-do list! We packed them up in their new car seats,

and off they went. Aria had such a blast that she cried when it was time to leave. While they played with family,

I worked all day on the house and only stopped for a Sonic lunch break. I'm pooped, but I got three rooms completely de-cluttered and in order.

(I wish I would have taken before pictures, but believe me- these areas needed help.) The main things I did were

  • hang newborn pictures (this only took me 7 months to find the time).
  • pack up clothes that the babies have outgrown
  • organize new clothes that the babies will eventually grow into
  • organize the diapers/ wipes stash
  • de-clutter Levi's dresser and create an area for his work items and other miscellaneous things that come home from work in his pockets
  • clean out maternity clothes from my closet and ditch things I never wear
  • toss out cleaning products from the laundry room that I don't use anymore and tidy up the shelf
The tiny list took me I didn't even finish half the things on my checklist, but it was still a good day and everyone is going to bed happy and blessed. 


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