One Year Stats
In teachers' terms, "Summer is over." School enrollment has ended, teachers are slowly starting to dig through their classrooms and parents are rejoicing. I feel like our summer is just now beginning. All of June was spent tending to sick children. Virus, extremely high fevers, then ear infections. They passed it around to each other one by one and one week at a time. Everyone became healthy just in time for their birthday, thank goodness. We finally had the triplets' one year check-up this week, which had to be put off due to sickness and fevers. Here are their stats: Livi WEIGHT: 20 pounds, 4 oz. (28 percentile) HEIGHT: 30 and 1/4 inches (75 percentile) *Yay! She finally hit the 20 pounds mark! She's my long and lean child. This photo is a close snapshot of Livi's personality. Ra-ra-ra... throw your hands up and dance. She is still the first one to do everything. She started walking this week. Just a couple days ...