One Year Stats

In teachers' terms, "Summer is over."

School enrollment has ended, teachers are slowly starting to dig through their classrooms and parents are rejoicing.

I feel like our summer is just now beginning. All of June was spent tending to sick children. Virus, extremely high fevers, then ear infections. They passed it around to each other one by one and one week at a time.

Everyone became healthy just in time for their birthday, thank goodness.

We finally had the triplets' one year check-up this week, which had to be put off due to sickness and fevers. Here are their stats:


WEIGHT: 20 pounds, 4 oz. (28 percentile)
HEIGHT: 30 and 1/4 inches (75 percentile)
*Yay! She finally hit the 20 pounds mark! She's my long and lean child.

This photo is a close snapshot of Livi's personality. Ra-ra-ra... throw your hands up and dance.

She is still the first one to do everything.
  • She started walking this week. Just a couple days in to this new skill and she chooses to run whenever possible.
  • She must have her baby doll with her to be able to go to sleep.
  • Her vocabulary grows every day. Favorite words: Aria, backpack (thanks Dora the Explorer), Momma, Dada. 
  • Nickname:  Livi Mae, Miss Livi, (Aria calls her "My Livi Mae")
  • Favorite food: frozen peas
  • Favorite song: "If You're Happy and You Know It" (She loves to clap along).
  • Shakes her head no when asked if she wants something that she isn't interested in.

WEIGHT: 24 pounds, 15 ounces (73 percentile)
HEIGHT: 31 and 3/4 inches (91 percentile)

This photo cracks me up because this is the grin I get from Beckett when he knows he's being ornery. For example, he will steal Henry's pacifier and I will tell him to give it back and that's not nice... nothing but this grin and laughter in return from him.
  • He is starting to stand unassisted.
  • He must have his WubbaNub to sleep. 
  • Favorite words: My Momma, Dadda, yeah, good
  • Nickname: Mr. Beckett, Burpee Beckett (He burps and laughs hysterically. If we laugh too, he will continue to burp as long as he can. He also believes lifting his leg and farting is hysterical as well. Oh, the life of having boys.)
  • Favorite food: Veggie Straws
  • Favorite song: Patty Cake
  • When he gets excited about something (food, Dadda or grandparents walking in the door), he straightens out his arms and legs and makes a grunting noise.

WEIGHT: 24 pounds, 8 oz. (68 percentile)
HEIGHT: 31 and 1/4 inches (82 percentile)

Lately, Henry has been my brave, adventurous one. He has no fear of trying out stairs, wading in pools and testing my patience.
  • He is my little flirt with the ladies, but gets scared easily by men he doesn't know.
  • He loves to blow kisses. 
  • He is starting to stand unassisted.
  • He must have his WubbaNub to sleep. 
  • Favorite words: Momma, Dadda
  • His favorite toy is the play tunnel, especially when Livi and/or Beckett will squeeze in with him. The giggles go on and on. 
  • Nicknames: Hankers, Hank the Tank, Henry Monster
  • Favorite food: Veggie Straws and frozen peas (Really, none of them are picky eaters whatsoever.)
  • Favorite song: "Mickey Mouse Club House" theme song
I love, adore and cherish this age. Every day I have stories to tell whoever wants to listen about funny things the triplets do. (Sometimes Most of the time their actions weren't funny for me while it was happening, but later I can laugh.)

I'm thankful for this time with all the kids. I am 150% sure I made the right choice of staying home with them. I'm reminded of this when we get to go out to do fun things, pretty much whenever I feel like it. Some things we have been up to this summer:

birthday party galore

family visits

bedroom book clubs

triplet play dates

That's 6 moms and 21 kids at this play date!

The 2 Livis



gym time:

getting back to church

bounce house play

Crown Center

Summer is great, but a little cooler weather would be even better for us getting out. Once fall comes around, our family will be swamped with activities, so I'm trying to enjoy the summer ease- heat and all.

Have a great Sunday!


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