Survival Guide to Surviving Year One of Triplets

I can't believe I'm writing about the babies' triplets' first birthday. Yet, here it is.

The day they were born seems like forever ago, but just last month all at the same time somehow. It's kind of all a blur how we went from this

to this:

I had a heck of a time planning a party on top of taking care of four littles, but it all came together!

I planned for the party to be an outdoor bash, but the weather had it's own plans. We still had a great time with Dr. Seuss indoors.

Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate and to those who couldn't be with us and still wished us well.

Triplet life is pretty much what I expected it to be as we were awaiting for our little trio to arrive.

Here is my survival guide to making it through the first year of life with triplets:

  • Make new friends,

but keep the old.

  • Lean on your family. Don't have high expectations to be able to visit them often, but be open to them visiting your home often.

  • Be silly. Laugh at yourself.

  • It will be three times the mess. And it's going to be OK.

It will take you an hour, minimum, to clean up that mess. Every meal. Turn on some music and sing to them while you clean. It will help keep the kids entertained and distract you from the mundane cleaning.

  • Don't be afraid to leave the house with the kids in tow- by yourself or not.

The more you do it, the easier it gets. The triplets need to get used to it just as much as you do. Livi, Beckett and Henry get excited when they see me taking them towards the van and into their car seats to go bye-bye.

    • Have play dates.

      triplet older siblings Lila and Aria

      This correlates with the above of getting out. Play dates are just as much for your sanity as they are for the kids,
      Livi (Olivia) and Livi Mae

      especially when there are big siblings in the mix too.

       Also, play dates can be at your house too! I'm just as thankful for those as the ones we have when we get out!

      Henry and Oliver
      • Make time for yourself

      I'm not the best about doing this, especially on a daily basis, but I have a local group of women who are also triplet moms (and a quad mom!) We get together once a month and it's really the only time I have when I don't have a mini-me army at my ankles with a chorus of "Momma Momma..." all day.

      I love my job, but it's obviously not a job where I can get in some quiet time with a commute to work every day, or lunches in quiet or with co-workers. That is what makes taking care of yourself even more important for stay at home moms.

      • Make time for your spouse.
      For a while, Levi and I were going out once a month, thanks to our parents and a few of my friends. Then life got in the way and we went months without a date night. Don't do that.  Your spouse is #2, with God being #1. Always. Kids are #3. I'm now scheduling date nights with a babysitter for once a month. Being parents of multiples is hard enough. Don't let yourself forget about how madly in love you are with your spouse.
 That is my abbreviated version of the Guide to Surviving Year One With Triplets.  I have already begun working on Year Two.

Until then, here are some more birthday party pictures. Enjoy!



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