18 Month Stats
Livi, Beckett and Henry are about to turn 19 months this week and just had their 18 month check up today. Here are their stats... Livi Mae: height: 33" (77 percentile) weight: 23 pounds, 9 ounces (58 percentile) head cicumference: 53 percentile height projection when finished growing: 5'9" (my height :) ) Compared to the boys, she's our little peanut. However, she may be small, but she be fierce. She can old her own and is generally the "ring leader" of the trio. (left: Henry; right: Beckett) Beckett: height: 34.5" (92 percentile) weight: 28 pounds, 14 ounces (93 percentile) head circumference: 48.2 cm (82 percentile) projected height: 6'2" Besides being the biggest, Beckett is also the protector. The doctor examined each of them while I held them on my lap one at a time. None of them like having their eyes looked into, their ears checked, etc., so they did get a little fussy. When both Henry and Livi had their turn, ...