
Showing posts from January, 2017

18 Month Stats

Livi, Beckett and Henry are about to turn 19 months this week and just had their 18 month check up today. Here are their stats... Livi Mae: height: 33" (77 percentile) weight: 23 pounds, 9 ounces (58 percentile) head cicumference: 53 percentile height projection when finished growing: 5'9" (my height :) ) Compared to the boys, she's our little peanut. However, she may be small, but she be fierce. She can old her own and is generally the "ring leader" of the trio. (left: Henry; right: Beckett) Beckett: height: 34.5" (92 percentile) weight: 28 pounds, 14 ounces (93 percentile) head circumference: 48.2 cm (82 percentile) projected height: 6'2" Besides being the biggest, Beckett is also the protector. The doctor examined each of them while I held them on my lap one at a time. None of them like having their eyes looked into, their ears checked, etc., so they did get a little fussy. When both Henry and Livi had their turn,

Triple Threat at 18 Months

Good Sunday, everyone! Have you hunkered down for the scary ice storm that wasn't as bad as the majority of the meteorologists scare us into thinking it would be? We have, which has led me to a bit of cabin fever, which led me to cleaning out my closet. Did you know that Turbo Tax has an app called "It's Deductible" that helps you track your donations to keep track for your taxes? I have started it and it's super easy. It will even give you an estimate on the worth of each item donated and the value that it adds to your tax return. Last time we had a "snow day", we decided to get out of the house and go to Old McDonald's, as Aria calls it. The weather has been nice enough to us, though, that we have been able to have two play dates already for 2017.  We rang in the new year with Aria's favorite girls, and a couple weeks later we got together for a triplet and siblings play date. You can't tell by this picture