18 Month Stats

Livi, Beckett and Henry are about to turn 19 months this week and just had their 18 month check up today. Here are their stats...

Livi Mae:
height: 33" (77 percentile)
weight: 23 pounds, 9 ounces (58 percentile)
head cicumference: 53 percentile
height projection when finished growing: 5'9" (my height :) )

Compared to the boys, she's our little peanut. However, she may be small, but she be fierce. She can old her own and is generally the "ring leader" of the trio.

(left: Henry; right: Beckett)

height: 34.5" (92 percentile)
weight: 28 pounds, 14 ounces (93 percentile)
head circumference: 48.2 cm (82 percentile)
projected height: 6'2"

Besides being the biggest, Beckett is also the protector. The doctor examined each of them while I held them on my lap one at a time. None of them like having their eyes looked into, their ears checked, etc., so they did get a little fussy. When both Henry and Livi had their turn, Beckett got equally upset and would keep trying to push the doctor's hands off of his brother and sister.

We noticed this same kind of thing the other day when Aria was pulling on Livi. Livi wasn't super upset, just acting slightly annoyed when Beckett comes barreling around the corner, starting to cry, and does a mosh-pit dive between Aria and Livi to get her off of his little sister.


height: 33.5" (76 percentile)
weight: 27 pounds, 10 ounces (86 percentile)
head cicumference: 48 cm (64 percentile)
projected height: 6'

Henry is just a silly, funny goofball. He makes me laugh all day long and really just wants to please everyone. He is usually my best sleeper. Usually.

This weekend, I thought it would be a fabulous idea to break them of the pacifiers, cold turkey. I didn't really plan it out, just thought, "Why not?". Oh. Why not? I'll tell you why not... shots.

After getting just a couple of shots this morning, I still had one of the longest days of my triplet-mom life. So. much. crying.

Regardless, I do need to find my three reasons to be thankful for the day, though.

I'm thankful for the beautiful, sunny weather that we had on this January day so that I could take the kids outside for a couple of hours and not hear any crying.

Just laughter coming from the swings.

I'm thankful for the time I get with my children while they are eating and therefor don't have a lot of noises coming out of them. (just kidding. not really)

I'm thankful for this blog, helping me wind-down at the end of some long, excruciating days. Now maybe I can turn my brain off for bed.

Goodnight folks. Love one another.


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