Triple Threat at 18 Months

Good Sunday, everyone!

Have you hunkered down for the scary ice storm that wasn't as bad as the majority of the meteorologists scare us into thinking it would be? We have, which has led me to a bit of cabin fever, which led me to cleaning out my closet.

Did you know that Turbo Tax has an app called "It's Deductible" that helps you track your donations to keep track for your taxes? I have started it and it's super easy. It will even give you an estimate on the worth of each item donated and the value that it adds to your tax return.

Last time we had a "snow day", we decided to get out of the house and go to Old McDonald's, as Aria calls it.

The weather has been nice enough to us, though, that we have been able to have two play dates already for 2017.

 We rang in the new year with Aria's favorite girls,

and a couple weeks later we got together for a triplet and siblings play date.

You can't tell by this picture that they were having fun or anything!

The triplets are now 18 months old and make us laugh every day. Henry wants to repeat every word I say. "Dinosaur!" "Touchdown!" "Chiefs" "All done!"He's also the first to tell Livi Mae, with his finger in her face, "No no!" when she tries to steal his chocolate milk.

ornery as all get-out
Henry still loves to sleep the most out of the three of them, (he will take four hour naps) and he's a daddy's boy all the way. "Da-da? Da-da?" Always looking for his daddy.

Amanda Perry Photography

Oh, and puckering up his lips.

 Beckett is the first one to be "all done" at everything.

Well, almost everything- he gives me the sign and says "all done" at dinner and bath time, but not naps. No, short naps are reserved for Livi Mae.

Livi naps for about an hour a day. Her absolute favorite thing in her whole little world is books. No body better take her book from her, or she will scream. A couple of times, she hit the boys in the face for taking her book and I implemented time-outs. I haven't had the hitting problem after that, so hopefully that was the end of slaps across the face.

Big sister Aria loves trips to her Mimi's house.

Amanda Perry Photography
At 3 and a half years old, she can be helpful most days, especially with our bedtime routine. At 7:10 PM, we all start to pick up toys while we sing the Clean Up song. Next, I tell them it's time to brush our teeth and all four of them run down the hallway saying, "Aahhh!" hoping that it will be their turn first to get a toothbrush across their teeth.

Once I get the triplets in their cribs, Aria helps me pick out a book to read to them, tuck them in, give them kisses and be the big helper of turning out their light and shutting the door.

Aria adores her siblings, but especially Livi Mae. Every day she wants to match what she's wearing and every night she tells me, "I want PJs to match Livi Mae." This is not an easy task to match these two, but at least most days Aria is happy with just matching shoes and coordinating colors.

So far, I think 2017 is a great year. I have daily goals of:
  • drinking 100 ounces of water
  • getting in my 10,000 steps
  • praying for a friend
  • washing, dryer, putting away at least one load of laundry
My long-term goal is to run a 5k in March and a 10K by the end of the year. I tried to get back into running with the Couch to 5K program last year, but I never followed through. Now, I'm in week three of C25k!


I couldn't do it without our YMCA and their amazing childcare. The kids love going and are in a routine of going four to five times a week! I'm a much happier mamma when the kids get to run around and get out a bunch of energy there! I feel great with running plus strength training and spinning classes and it doesn't hurt to have a treadmill at home, too for days like today!

That's the latest around here. Have a good one, folks!


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