
Showing posts from March, 2013

Spring Sunday Snow Day

Everyone else in Kansas City is saying it, so now it's my turn. I can't believe we had a big snow storm the end of March! Since the roads were dicey this morning, the church said the orchestra could stay home. I'm so glad our church broadcasts online so we could watch from home! Gus was happy we had church at home too so he could get more cuddle time in. He loves using my big belly as a pillow. Gus also loves cuddling with a blanket. "I know there's a ball in there somewhere..." "I found it!" After iChurch, it was time to get some work done. The nursery is basically finished, we just have a couple of this and thats to add, but I love it! I even stocked up the diaper stacker. I never thought a day would come where I thought diapers would be so cute.  Now all we need is our baby. :)

Anytime Now, Aria

I am officially ready for baby Aria to be here. With just 3 weeks until my due date, I am physically ready, anyway. Will I ever feel totally ready for her to come? Probably not. For example, tonight we did a little shopping for more baby items. There are so many fun things to buy that the stores make you think you have  to have, it's overwhelming. You wonder, "Do I need to have a mirror for the car so I can see her in hear rear-facing car seat? Do I  really need  that super cute mat for her to lay on that looks like a cow? From my last shower that my mom and sisters had for me last week, I got a Diaper Genie. This is an item that stores make you think you just gotta have. I would have bought one for myself had I not got one for a gift, but some people do tell me they need use theirs. I don't know why I found it so difficult to get set up, but with Levi's help, it is ready to go. The baby shower was a blast. I'm blessed to have so many great friends an

34 Weeks: Waddle Waddle

Every week, I read several updates about what's going on with my baby-in-utero. The three sites that I like the most are What to Expect , Baby Center , and Baby GaGa . This week, Baby GaGa has explained my more reent change that I have felt: If you haven’t noticed it already, you’ll be feeling the weight shift indicating your baby is most likely out of breech position  with their head now resting on your pubic bone. Aria must be right on schedule with moving down and resting there for now. I was shopping when I first felt this pressure. I thought maybe after I sat for a while, it would go away. While it did feel better to sit down, it comes back when I'm up moving around again. This explains why I have felt the need to waddle for a couple of days. When I first caught myself doing this, I thought, "I don't even feel like my belly is big enough to waddle," but it does seem to help the pressure I have been feeling on my pelvis to strut like a penguin. After