Spring Sunday Snow Day

Everyone else in Kansas City is saying it, so now it's my turn. I can't believe we had a big snow storm the end of March!

Since the roads were dicey this morning, the church said the orchestra could stay home. I'm so glad our church broadcasts online so we could watch from home!

Gus was happy we had church at home too so he could get more cuddle time in.

He loves using my big belly as a pillow.

Gus also loves cuddling with a blanket.

"I know there's a ball in there somewhere..."

"I found it!"

After iChurch, it was time to get some work done. The nursery is basically finished, we just have a couple of this and thats to add, but I love it!

I even stocked up the diaper stacker. I never thought a day would come where I thought diapers would be so cute. 

Now all we need is our baby. :)



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