Anytime Now, Aria

I am officially ready for baby Aria to be here. With just 3 weeks until my due date, I am physically ready, anyway. Will I ever feel totally ready for her to come? Probably not. For example, tonight we did a little shopping for more baby items. There are so many fun things to buy that the stores make you think you have to have, it's overwhelming. You wonder, "Do I need to have a mirror for the car so I can see her in hear rear-facing car seat? Do I really need that super cute mat for her to lay on that looks like a cow?

From my last shower that my mom and sisters had for me last week,

I got a Diaper Genie. This is an item that stores make you think you just gotta have. I would have bought one for myself had I not got one for a gift, but some people do tell me they need use theirs. I don't know why I found it so difficult to get set up, but with Levi's help, it is ready to go.

The baby shower was a blast. I'm blessed to have so many great friends and family. 

There were even buddies who made a road trip from St. Louis. 

Brad, me, Brie
Brad's gift was making this gorgeous cake:

cake with the picture of Aria in 3D

Half the fun of going home from your shower is getting to organize all the gifts in the nursery!

Another blessing is the gift cards I've received. We put them to use tonight. Here is one of our purchases being put together while I write this:

We got a great deal on this pack 'n' play/bassinet/changing table combo.

In other news the stroller and car seat have been cleaned and put in the car.

So much to do in so little time, but we seem to be getting it all done! Come on, Aria!


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