Running and Royals

I'm blogging during a Royals play-off game. It's true. I would like to get the blog done tonight though, and we all know how late these games go!

My friends and I signed up for the 6th annual Pink Laundry 5k. The group decided to teach ourselves how to make tutus so we could rev up the pinkage for the race.

I was so happy with the tutu I made...

that I decided to make one for Aria.

Pleasant Hill colors, of course!

Homecoming Parade

On race day, the group looked fabulous!

We even ran into (no pun intended) a group of Pleasant Hill fellow teachers.

The race went well. It was a cool 40-ish degree morning, which is the perfect temperature for running, in my opinion.

Here is a picture story of the race:


half-way-done selfie

Aria goes to races for the free food.

Georgia got 2nd place!

My favorite girl in the whole world!

I love race days!

Have a great week! And go Royals!


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