A Random, Middle of the Week Post

I didn't think this Wednesday would be such an eventful day. Once the tornadoes started to hit in our town and other towns around KC, the power went out in our house, so I started blogging from my phone out of boredom.

Once the power came back on, we went back downstairs to check on our freezer and turn off the lights and got another unpleasant surprise: our brand new basement has flooded. I could seriously cry. I'm praying the laminate floor will be ok despite all the water.

Since I'm so upset about that, I will finish writing and maybe that will help me get to sleep.

Before the tornadoes and flooding, I thought today was eventful for small reasons. Aria and I had a visit from a friend this morning who came bearing gifts. Mary Lee brought us a big meal to freeze. Guess what else she brought to go in the freezer until after the babies are home?

Chocolate chip cookies!

I take Aria to the library every Wednesday for story time. Even though she never wants to sit and listen, she still loves to go. When we went this morning, she got a reward for reading more than 25 books: a Sonic card, bracelet and a free book!

Our second visitor came after the library- the FedEx truck. Ohhh-aaaaah. Mr. FedEx delivered the Shutterfly book I made for Aria turning two years old.

Another friend, Jane, came by because I have a Moby wrap from when Aria was born that I was always too intimidated by to even open out of the package. So Jane paid me a visit to help me conquer the wrap.

Just like anything else, the hardest part is getting started. I practiced on baby dolls until Aria got upset by that and we let her have a try.

She loved it!

I may just get some material from Hobby Lobby and make Aria her own wrap so she can be just like Momma.

After Jane took a picture of us, I looked at it and thought, "When did my belly get that huge?!"

Just in the last week, it has really taken off. And so have the stretch marks, as you can imagine ladies. *Sigh* Oh well, what can ya do?

And finally, before our dinner of nachos, Mr. UPS came and delivered two more boxes. The first is my insurance-paid-for pump,

(Is this a good pump?)

the second being the Twin-Z Pillow. (Thanks, Aunt Sandy, for the Amazon gift card. This is what it went towards!)

There are many uses for the Twin-Z pillow.

Use #1:

Use #2: (I wish I would have gotten the pillow before now for this:)

Use #3: 

Look at her- a pro already!

I'm totally ready to get these babies out of me  meet my little angels.

9 more days!

I guess I will sign off and try to get a little sleep. I hope everyone stayed safe tonight.



  1. Aunt Sandy is the best, of course I am a little biased since she is my sister! Wishing you the best of luck on getting those babies here and looking forward to meeting them!

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