
Showing posts from March, 2016

Triplets' First Easter

Good morning! How was your Easter? It was so great to be back at church this weekend. With all the work it takes to get everyone out the door on time, it feels like a great victory after it's been accomplished. I miss my church family so much, but I miss my orchestra family and playing my violin even more. I'm glad everyone seemed as happy to see us and the kids as I was to see them. The triplets did so well during the service. Each one of them were wide-eyed and watching during the music portion, then during the sermon they fell asleep. I suppose that's not so entertaining to 8 month-olds. (Sorry Pastor Brandon. The adults thought the sermon was terrific, though.) {Pretend there is a fascinating transition here for more church pictures.} All this action wore out the four littles, which means after our family finished an indoor egg hunt, and seeing what the Easter bunny brought, they took grea

It's Easier, but It's Harder

Hi all. Happy spring! I'm sure you're like me and wishing it would get pleasantly warm and stay warm. We are ready to get outside more often and soak up the vitamin D.  We have been trying to make the best of being indoors. One way I do this is making sure Aria has special time out of the house. She still gets excited for Mommy and Me dance class every week. Sometimes she gets to go to birthday parties. This time she went with Daddy. Apparently jumping around on a trampoline for an hour is exhausting. Before you know it, I won't have a toddler and three babies. It will soon be four toddlers. The baby phase ending makes some things a little easier, yet more difficult at the same time. For example: Easier: sitting up on their own Sitting up opens up a world of new possibilities for us, like being able to play with Aria while we create works of art with out home-made, edible paint . harder: the th