First Timers

Winter. You can really go away now.

This year the winter has been so rough on the littles. We made two trips to urgent care this week alone. Livi has a cold, the boys have RSV and Aria has her second ear infection this month, less than a week after getting a stomach bug for the second time.

The good news is, our new triplet wagon was a hit when we took it for her maiden voyage to the doctor yesterday.
I thought Aria would be upset she couldn't ride, but she was instead elated that she got to help me pull the trio.

Besides our first triplet wagon ride, we have also had many other firsts around here lately.

Our first time in our IKEA high chairs:

First time using these bibs Aunt Nat Nat got us for the baby shower:

Mr. Pears Mustache
First time hanging out on the back deck:

First time using our tunnel:

Woo-who, this triplet plus a toddler thing is starting to get fun! 

For me, since deciding I am officially a first time stay-at-home-mom, I felt like I needed a little more structure into my own routine instead of just always focusing on the children's routine. I nailed down the problems I have been finding myself having, then found solutions.

Problem: Meal Planning

The most annoying question in the world to me is, "What's for dinner?" (If I were still teaching, this would not hold true.) I've always struggled with meal planning, or once I do actually plan it out, I don't follow through because I can't remember where I put the recipe, etc.

Solution: "Copy Me That" app

This app stores my online recipes, creates a shopping list and a meal calendar all in one. Perfect.

Problem: Stuff

How do you organize all your family's stuff to make it easy to find and easy to get to?

Solution: Command Center

This wall is always evolving.

Problem: Keeping up with the house
This meme sums up the problem:

Solution:  This website has a  free planner to download that gives you daily tasks to complete to help keep up with chores. I love lists and I love free! Some days I laugh at the lists because there's no way anything extra will get done, but more days than not, it's extremely helpful. I would even go so far as to say it's fun to complete the tasks and check them off the list.

Problem: Essential Oils Storage

I can't say that my Young Living essential oils are a problem because of how life-changing they have been for my health, but I need an easier way to store and find the oils that I use most often.

Solution: Ice cube tray in a drawer 

So far, my most used recipe is toothpaste. Making me own eliminates chemicals and saves us money!

Have an ailment? There's an oil for that! If you want to know more about how to use essential oils, I would be glad to help you!

Have a Friday! Enjoy this beautiful weather.



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