8 Month News

March 2: 8 months old!

Cranky babes today. This is as good as I could get!
 It seems as though their 7th month didn't even exist. Where did that whole month go? The fact that February went by so fast is surprising to me because we had so much sickness, from the stomach bug to ear infections.

"Crazy hair, I have ear infections and don't care"

Miss Livi is always the easiest to write about. She's all personality. Every one of our visitors always comments, "She's so sweet!" She is... as long as you're holding her. She doesn't like to nap. She steals her brother's toys. She loves to tell me no- especially at nap time- by shaking her head back and forth (thanks big sister Aria.) On top of all that, yes she is very sweet.

She's also the first to do everything.

Sitting up:

Crawling: (in little spurts)

I'm betting she's the first to get her helmet off too.

I had to take them in for a helmet adjustment yesterday because Livi developed a terrible red spot that looked chapped on her forehead. After measuring Livi and Henry's heads, we learned that Livi had grown 2 millimeters in the past couple of weeks and Henry's head grew about 1 millimeter. No wonder she needed an adjustment!


Sometimes people ask me if I have a favorite. (Ridiculous, I know.) My answer: it depends on the day. Once in a while it depends on the week. It's whoever the least fussy. This week that would be Beckett. He has taken a turn to be the sweetest of the trio. For now.  (This is probably because his gums aren't hurting him from teething the past few days.)

 Becket has a good grasp at sitting up as well, but just for a few seconds.

He hasn't tried much crawling, probably because he gets to where he needs by rolling.

He also finds his sister highly entertaining.

When Livi isn't cracking him up, he's blowing raspberries all the live long day. It makes me giggle every time, until Beckett blows one while I'm holding him and spit goes all over my face.


This baby is so laid-back and easy going. He doesn't have much interest in figuring out how to sit up by himself, let alone start to crawl. He just wants to hang out and take it easy.


My first-born's speech is coming along well. She is talking much more, but it can still be difficult to understand what she's saying if you're not around her often. Because of this, I met with the school district last week and together we decided she will begin speech classes there two times a week starting this fall.

Speaking of the school district, after a year sabbatical from teaching, I decided to submit my resignation to the board. For most of the past seven months, I really thought I was going to be able to go back to work. Although I wouldn't be bringing in much money after paying for four children in daycare, I would at least be bringing something home income-wise while keeping my job that I love so much. I even told a few people in the district that I was for-sure coming back. But since I did that, I couldn't get my anxiety and stress under control. I couldn't even figure out why I felt so anxious and stressed- until after Aria's speech meeting.

 That meeting helped me open my eyes to what I need to do.  The idea of someone else getting her to speech twice a week, the idea of someone else doing the most important job in the world for all four of my children- I couldn't stomach it. In His timing, God finally answered the "What should I do?" question I had been asking Him for a year and I couldn't be happier.

 Last, but not least-  I can't believe Levi and I will have a high-schooler. My stepson finalized his schedule at LSHS yesterday.

With all these things going on, it feels like a new chapter in our book and life is just beginning.


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