
Showing posts from April, 2016

While Daddy is Away...

How was your week? I don't know about you, but I can't stop hearing Prince songs in my head over and over- the soundtrack of my childhood . RIP, Prince. On to happier news, it looks like Livi has just about a week left of wearing her helmet! Then Aria can dress her up however she wants. It doesn't bother her one bit to have the cranial band on, but I do believe it bothers her when it is off. No matter, not having to work around the helmet will be one less thing to worry about. Henry will probably need about three more weeks for his. The #1 reason why I'm stoked to get rid of the thing is because cuddling will be way easier. For everyone. Until then, we are hanging together and trying to get through a weekend without Dad while he is gone for turkey hunting. The kids and I are anxiously awaiting for him to be home today. At least we have had nice weather while Levi has been gone. I'm starting to take the kids outside every day, even i

Aria is Three!

Hola, chicos. My eldest miracle baby just turned three years old this week. The day she was born, I couldn't imagine the amount of love that I had for her would grow and grow each and every day. 2013 vs. 2016 Trying to keep her party simple and not a ginormous mess at our house, we held a celebration at the city park. I'm so thankful the weather held out and it became a beautiful day, and not a rainy mess like the forecast called for. Even the littlest parties require a great deal of prep work, so I'm uber excited that Aria loves helping me all of the time. Even Livi was down for sweeping up our mess. Since Aria is such a good girl, she deserved an awesome gift. The Barbie Jeep was a hit. Hopefully all the kids had a blast. I know I love little kid parties. It gives me a chance to catch up with family and friends. (Yes, Henry can still sleep anywhere.) Aria had s