9 Month update

Good morning!

I'm taking a break this morning from planning and creating things for Aria's birthday party coming up.

It's time to document the triplets' 9 month stats. Here we go...


height: 28.5" (81 percentile)
weight: 17 pounds, 9 ounces (26 percentile)

What's Livi up to lately? The easier question to answer may be what is Livi not up to?

~ standing

~pulling herself up


~crawling (EVERYWHERE. And fast.)

~ being the life of the party

The pediatrician said she's about a month ahead of the boys. We are guessing she will be walking sooner than we are ready for her to.

Now that's she's crawling and more active, I need to start feeding her three meals a day before her bottle so she can bump up her calories. This seems extremely challenging fixing food for all of them on top of also doing bottles because I can't feed Livi and not the boys. They would riot.

So far, I'm trying to keep breakfast simple so I have little prep and clean up. This morning Greek yogurt was a huge hit.


height: 29" (75%)
weight: 21 pounds, 14 ounces


Beckett's favorite activity right now is blowing raspberries, stealing his siblings' toys and laughing about them crying about it. He also seems to be the one who enjoys wagon rides the most. If I stop pulling them, he scoots back and forth to try to get it going again. 


height: 29.25" (81 %)
weight: 22 pounds, 4 ounces (76%)

Henry is the sweetest, most laid back and easy going baby you will ever meet. He isn't interested in crawling just yet, but he loves the ladies. Put a man he doesn't know in front of his face, though and he will scream his scared cry.

Life is so different chasing around mobile babies, I can't imagine what it will be like when all three of them are walking and chasing Aria around. Kids are never ending fun.

Have a great week!


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