Thanksgiving Then and Now

Hi. Remember me?

 I used to blog about once a week. Now I sign on here once in a blue moon.

Triplet life. That's all I can say.

How was Thanksgiving for everyone? I hope you all had amazing food like we did.

 We started our day at Bass Pro. Yes, we shopped on Thanksgiving.

We had a particular gift for a certain someone and wanted to make sure we got it before being picked over. We also wanted to get to Santa while we had Daddy with us.

The rest of our day was typical family fun!

This year with the triplets was way more fun than last year because they could run around, play with each other and keep themselves entertained; whereas last year they wanted to be mobile, but weren't and I spent the day trying to hold all three of them to keep them happy.

(When we were kids, my mom would call this "The Scanlan Nap Time". )

After an afternoon of Black Friday shopping with all the kids this afternoon, I had to laugh at how different things are now post-kids versus pre-kids. 

A few years ago, my sister and I would start Black Friday shopping at midnight. We would take our time, grab some Starbucks and people-watch while we leisurely strolled up and down the isles of stores. There was even a year we shopped all night long, until about 8 am, followed by staying up and wrapping presents for hours.

circa 2010

This year, I did the majority of my shopping online, we were all in bed by 9 PM, and the kids got to tag along while we went to Sam's Club and searched for a new Christmas tree.

I've been worried about how to have a tree with three one-year-olds, but my husband always knows how to rig things for safety. 

It's all about the gates, 'bout the gates, no trouble. 

I think now it may be time to wrap a few presents before turning in for the night.


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