A Very Merry, Triplety Chritmas

Merry Christmas, all.

I hope Santa treated everyone well. It's safe to say we made out nicely.

As always, Christmas kept us on-the-go with one event after another. December is always a jam-packed month of busy. Here is a list of my favorite things about the Best Month of the Year.

seeing Santa and playing at Bass Pro

I am having so much fun with the triplets now they they are this age.

I no longer feel like I'm stuck in a prison (as much), unable to do much of anything fun with my children.

My Birthday

There's nothing better than being able to spend time with my family and my friends making time for me to celebrate another candle being added to the cake.

A Mommy-Daughter Date

Aria and I got to see the "Trolls" movie together.

Popcorn and lemonade makes it easy for a three year old to sit through a two-hour movie.

Our Anniversary

It's only fitting that we got married in my favorite month of the year. This year marked year number seven! In typical fashion of a family with five children, we haven't got a chance yet to celebrate, except to pick up a to-go order of lunch after our usual trip to the YMCA.

Christmas with Levi's Family Side

Each year, Levi's mother's side of the family plans a Christmas get-together. We try to rotate the location every time so family members can take turns doing the majority of the traveling.

To travel, we never go anywhere without our IKEA highchairs.

We unfortunately had terrible weather for traveling this year, but luckily we were able to leave early enough in the day to beat the worst of it. Some of the family, however, were not so lucky, so it felt like a tiny celebration this year.

At least the kids' Granny Great was there. It wouldn't be Christmas without her.


It also doesn't fee like Christmas without the church's Christmas Even candle-lit service.

Livi and her Aunt Nat-Nat

As if Christmas with my parents wasn't the best topper of the holiday,

we now also get to celebrate my nephew's birthday on Christmas Eve too. 

Christmas Cards

I didn't do Christmas cards this year, but plan on sending out "Happy New Year's" cards! A special shout-out to Amanda Perry Photography for driving out to us and taking all our family's pictures on Christmas Eve morning while my sister's family were here from SC. We just love her and her "mad skills". 

My ultimate favorite thing about Christmas is that we have so many special people in our lives to celebrate with- friends and a huge family.  We never take people for granted, especially our loved ones.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! 


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