
Showing posts from March, 2014

Our (Indoor) Favorites

The weather has turned from bad to good, to bad again. It's been days since we've had a walk to the park with our friends. I can't wait to be able to do that again! Until we can get back to swinging, we will do what Aria loves most. We'll read her favorite books, even though the teacher in Brown Bear, Brown Bear  looks very shifty.  We'll play with chopsticks at our favorite restaurants.  We will listen to our favorite music on the toddler music station.  We will shop at our favorite stores for fabulous hats. We will play with our favorite toys, some of which are new, given to us by a friend... and some that have been around a while.  And last, but not least, we will take lots of silly pictures.  Have a great week, friends!

Thankful St. Pat's

Happy St. Patrick's Day! It was Aria's first St. Patrick's Day. While I don't believe the Gilmores have an Irish background, we do on my side of the family. My maiden name used to have an "O' " attached to it. Because of this, we- like millions of other Americans today- wore our green. I had an adorable "Kiss Me I'm Irish" shirt for her, but it didn't fit. Little did I know when I bought the shirt months ago from Red Racks that Aria would have outgrown it by the time March 17 got here. She was even almost too big for her 11 month outfit, but we made it work. As always. With the great weather we had again last week, we spent a lot of time outside. I love just sitting and hanging out in the driveway, and of course going for long walks to the park. Even Aunt Nat met us at the swings one day so we could meet her new puppy, Junior. Yes, I was just as tired as Aria! But we kept going back for more

God's Timing

God's timing does not always line up with our own. I had a check-up on Thursday last week and it wasn't looking good. I had only produced two tiny little eggs after days of shots. Friday I had one more. My doctor canceled our cycle. Yes, it does "just take one egg", but not for IVF. You have to have a minimum of 5 good sized eggs produced to go through with egg retrieval. The size of what I had, plus my low hormone levels, meant it wasn't going to happen this time. I was heart-broken and yes I did cry when the nurse explained it to me, but later in the day I felt better. I know it wasn't God's timing and he has other things in store for us. We are discussing if and when we will try again. My doctor is very optimistic about trying a different protocol if and when we try again. It is definitely something to keep praying about before deciding. Now to focus on our other priorities... Having two beautiful evenings this week to be outside has been wo