Summer, Summer, Where For Art Thou...

Our weekend can be summed up in two words: nasty weather. So make a lazy weekend at home out of it? Yes, please.

School is already canceled for tomorrow. Will summer ever get here?

We might as well enjoy the lazy winter days of March while we can. Levi does this best by making biscuits and gravy Saturday morning. I know. I am spoiled.

My favorite thing about being home is cuddle time: reading or watching Baby Einstein. Aria cuddles up close to me, then when something funny on the movie happens, she looks up at me with her big, blue eyes and smiles from ear to ear.

Aria has five teeth now, with two more coming in. Poor girl just hurts sometimes and wants to do nothing but be held by Daddy.

After her medicine kicks in, she's ready to roll.

Lazy weekends with bad weather also mean renting funny movies. Sometimes Daddy laughs hysterically at the TV and neither one of us know why he's cracking up at all.

So we just laugh at him, not with him.

With all this sitting around,

and eating brownies,


and not doing much of anything else, with the exception of some chores,

at least I spent time on the treadmill. Now that injections started tonight (more on that tomorrow) I am not supposed to exercise anymore unless it's a leisurely walk.

Without running, I need to focus my attention on a different goal. I decided on a 10,000 steps per day challenge.

To be considered an "active" person, we need to be taking approximately 10,000 every single day. During my 45 minute walk, I took about 5,300 steps.  When I get back to work, I am going to start wearing my pedometer to track my progress. I am usually on my feet most of the day anyway as a teacher, but I am going to make a conscious effort to remain standing, even when I do get the chance to sit down.

Not only will this hopefully control my weight while not running, I am also thinking of the long-term affects since my father was diagnosed with A-fib. This can be hereditary and I need to start thinking about prevention now with habits like standing more than sitting.

Now all I have to do first is convince Aria that my pedometer is not her toy and I'm ready to roll.

Have a great week, friends.

#Shereadstruth wisdom:
Has the Bible endured and is it enduring? One thousand times, yes! Truth is truth, in any language. Heart-wounds need healing and souls need freeing in every single country on this spinning globe – so thank God His Word is not bound! It is not governed by time or geography, not subject to our circumstances or even our understanding. The Story of Stories is not bound. Period.
May we grow to believe this even more and, by God’s grace, may we never be ashamed. Amen.

#Mom truth:


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