Totally Worth It

6,655 steps today. I fell short of my daily 10,000 steps goal, but I still consider that a decent amount considering I was home most of the day and not at work. It will be interesting to see how many steps I average on a daily basis this week when I am at school.

I am also giving up soda for Lent. I have already been trying to cut back this past month. I usually do OK, as I have just a few sips here and there and that seems to get me by. Since Lent starts Wednesday, I made a run to Sonic for a small drink while my mom was here with Aria. She let me take her car since she parked behind me. Isn't it fun driving someone else's vehicle?

No, I didn't wear make-up or fix my hair today.

Anyway, with giving up pop, I want to track my water intake to be sure that I am drinking the recommended 64 oz. per day. Today, I hit that goal exactly.

IVF update: Friday I had a "baseline" sonogram to do a quick scan. Everything looks healthy and ready. One of my hormone levels is a little lower than the doctor wants it to be, but this was not surprising to him as this was the case before we had Aria, because of my age, and other factors. All in all, I won't worry about it until I need to. My next appointment is Thursday- it is then that I will know if I should worry or not.

Saturday my "goodies" came via UPS. You would think it were Christmas time...

Not so much...

I started injections last night. It took a while for Levi and I to refresh our memories on the nightly routine, but tonight went much quicker. For now, it's one shot in the stomach and one shot in the rear.

Does it hurt? A little- mainly the one that goes in the back side, but you know what?

This is totally worth it.

Happy Monday, all!

"I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in your words. My eyes are awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promise." (Psalm 119:147-148)


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