
Showing posts from May, 2014

Family Guide

Summer is almost here. We can feel it. This week we have continued practicing Pastor Brandon's preaching from his "Family Guide" . Monday we prayed for our children to know God's will.  Tuesday we prayed our children would grow in wisdom. When our children gain wisdom with age, they will make good decisions in all areas of their life. From knowing right from wrong, to their biggest decision in life (besides becoming a follower of Jesus) of deciding who they will marry. As we pray for Aria to grow in wisdom, my prayer is that she finds a husband who loves God more than he loves her.   On Wednesday, I prayed for our children's walk with God. "Lord, let Aria grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and in favor with man." (Luke 2:52) Thursday was prayer that their work would be productive. It's our job as parents to help our kids learn what their God-given gifts are and, further, how they can us

To Read or To Play With Toys?

With this week being the last week of school, I have important things to do- such as make a "Summer To-Do" list.  Aria reminded me I had to add various libraries to the list. Let Aria choose a toy or a book and guess which one she goes for? I can't wait for our life to feel like one big weekend this summer. I love my weekends with my family, even though they're always jam-packed! From participating in a 5k with my besties,  to grad party after grad party, I'm glad we got to slow down on Sunday. Church on Sunday also made my day. We're so blessed to have such a talented pastor. Sunday's theme was "So You Think You Can Parent?" Pastor Brandon gave us a key reminder: make sure God hears about your kids every day. Even though no one is a perfect parent, we can be praying parents.  To be sure we talk to God about our kids every day, Pastor Brandon gave us a guide for the week. Here's the plan for

Mother's Day: A Mother's Prayer

I pray You'll be our eyes                                              And watch her where she goes                                                 And help her to be wise               and help me to let go every mother's prayer every child knows lead her to a place Guide us with Your grace To a place where she'll be safe   I pray she finds Your light And holds it in her heart As darkness falls each night Remind her where You are Every mother's prayer Every child knows Need to find a place Guide us with Your grace To a place where she'll be safe A world where pain and sorrow will be ended And every heart that's broken will be mended And we'll remember we are all God's children Reaching out to touch you Reaching to the stars We ask that life be Kind And watch u