Cinco de Warm-O

Don't you love the warm weather?

No one is allowed to complain that it's hot.

It's been a year, but it has happened. I had to take Aria to the doctor because she wasn't feeling well for the first time. I have never seen her as miserable as she was Saturday morning. We went to the doctor and she, as I suspected, has a double ear infection.

She was already feeling better Sunday. We decided to work on fine motor skills by practicing putting clothes pins into an empty milk jug.

She got a couple in, but it took some practice. She mainly just likes the sound it makes when she shakes the jug full of pins.

She was even feeling well enough to figure out how to take the lid off of this bucket of stuff I packed up that she's too big for now.

She says she's not too big for bottles and asked me to let her have them back.

We also took advantage of the nice weather to visit family this weekend.

We are so glad Grammy is recovering well from surgery and is cancer-free!

Who's up for Christmas in May? This girl.

Have a great week, y'all!


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