Family Guide

Summer is almost here.

We can feel it.

This week we have continued practicing Pastor Brandon's preaching from his "Family Guide".

Monday we prayed for our children to know God's will. 

Tuesday we prayed our children would grow in wisdom. When our children gain wisdom with age, they will make good decisions in all areas of their life. From knowing right from wrong, to their biggest decision in life (besides becoming a follower of Jesus) of deciding who they will marry.

As we pray for Aria to grow in wisdom, my prayer is that she finds a husband who loves God more than he loves her.  

On Wednesday, I prayed for our children's walk with God.

"Lord, let Aria grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and in favor with man." (Luke 2:52)

Thursday was prayer that their work would be productive.

It's our job as parents to help our kids learn what their God-given gifts are and, further, how they can use those talents and contribute to society. 

Today, Friday, I prayed Aria will withstand trials and temptations.

One of my favorite quotes from Pastor Brandon's sermon was, "The devil knows how to hit where it hurts the most- our children. Satan has placed a target on their backs. Because the enemy knows he can't take you out, he'll go after your kids."

Brandon continued that "Prayer is the difference between fighting for God and letting God fight for you." Jesus wasn't lying when he said, "In this life, you will have suffering..." and I pray that when Aria meets this suffering, with that target on her back, that she knows the choice is hers and that God will fight for her if she lets Him.

This weekend, Levi and I will wrap up our Family Guide prayer week. If you would like to pray along with our guide, here is the plan for the rest of the weekend:

Saturday: Pray that our children will be strong. "Giving thanks to the Father who has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people , who live in the light."

Sunday: Pray that our children's worship will be powerful. Making the decision to not teach our children about faith is only "creating a vacuum inside their hearts that the world will be more than happy to fill."
"But Jesus said, 'Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like these children.'"

Have a great weekend, friends!


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