A New Chapter

My big sister and her family are starting a new chapter. Tomorrow they will move to South Carolina. I'm thankful we got to spend our Sunday evening with them, hanging out and eating tacos. It was a rough week, so tonight was bittersweet: being with my sisters always makes me feel better, but since we won't see them for a while, it was sad too.

Today wasn't the only day filled with family and food. Uncle Justin and Aria's cousins were here Saturday, all the way from Ohio.

Out-of-town visitors equals everyone in your family getting together.

We had quite the family get-together at our house last night. It felt like Christmas in August.

Besides entertaining family, my hard-working husband has completed a couple projects around the house. Since our basement has flooded a few times, which seems to be a common problem with the houses in our 'hood, he figured out how to fix the problem. (Don't ask me how. I just cheer him on.)

We've had about 4 inches of rain this weekend and our basement is dry as a bone. Success!

While he was digging up the yard for the basement, he also put in a mulch play area for Aria's toys. It's a work in progress, but here it is so far:

A good daddy works hard for his family, but also finds time to play with purple pianos too.

And a good mommy takes time for morning jogs with her daughter.

I'm blessed to have such an extraordinary family.

Have a great week!


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