Seven Things Saturday

School has begun!

That's pretty much why I've been MIA with blogging. The first few weeks back to school are the most exhausting weeks of the school year. Once I'm home, I only get to spend a few hours with Aria before bedtime, and blogging has not been a priority.

So to tidy over my loverly friends and family, here is a quick post with seven things we've been up to:

1. Spending time at Mimi and Grandpa's on Wednesday nights while I am at orchestra rehearsal. She loves bracelets!

2. Being silly and Mommy and Daddy allowing toys to take over the house.

3. Sidewalk chalk. (Finally crossed that off the summer to-do list!) I'm happy she is actually drawing with the chalk now and not just trying to eat it.

4. End of summer party: What's better than a party with swimming, water balloons, homemade ice cream and a movie outside?

5. Being this tired from hanging out with friends.

6. Refrigerator organizing: It's not the best picture, but this is one of her favorite things to do- take a bottle out, put it back in. She will do this over and over until I say the door has been open long enough.

I hope she loves to organize this much when she's holder.

7. Running/Clean-Eating: I'm combing these since they both pertain to a healthy lifestyle. We have walked with our friends after school once because it has been too steamy outside to do more. This weekend, though, the two of us got a nice run in. These runs make us both feel sleepy.

And...the clean eating... yummo!

(homemade guacamole, black beans, organic sweet salsa)

Have a safe holiday weekend, everyone!


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