Shake, Baby, Shake!
Our first appointment with our perinatologist was today, 12 weeks and 3 days into pregnancy. Everything went great! We actually will see a whole team of people with each visit, not just our one doctor. The appointment started with the best part: the sonogram. Truly astounding. I'll start with Baby A. Baby A was facing us and waving hi! "He" has a nice, strong heartbeat of about 160 BPM. There was a lot of moving and shaking going on, as Elvis would say , in his own little sac. "Shake, baby, shake!" Baby B (heart rate of about 150) seems like a bit of a mischievous little baby. See that leg sticking up there? "She" was using it quite a bit to kick her twin, who was right on top of her: Baby C (heart rate of about 140) didn't take any nonsense from her sibling. She jumped and pushed back. I can just hear it now, "Hey! Stop kicking me" with the other yelling, "Welllll, get off me!" Already forming that s...