
Showing posts from January, 2015

Shake, Baby, Shake!

Our first appointment with our perinatologist was today, 12 weeks and 3 days into pregnancy. Everything went great! We actually will see a whole team of people with each visit, not just our one doctor. The appointment started with the best part: the sonogram. Truly astounding. I'll start with Baby A. Baby A was facing us and waving hi! "He" has a nice, strong heartbeat of about 160 BPM. There was a lot of moving and shaking going on, as Elvis would say , in his own little sac. "Shake, baby, shake!" Baby B (heart rate of about 150) seems like a bit of a mischievous little baby. See that leg sticking up there? "She" was using it quite a bit to kick her twin, who was right on top of her: Baby C (heart rate of about 140) didn't take any nonsense from her sibling. She jumped and pushed back. I can just hear it now, "Hey! Stop kicking me" with the other yelling, "Welllll, get off me!" Already forming that s


Although Wednesday is usually my busiest day of the week, I couldn't let today go without a post. It is my "blog-a-versary": my 2 year anniversary of beginning this blog. Little did I know back then that in the next two years would I experience such highs and lows. One event I think of when it comes to the past two years is the death of our beloved pet and, truly, this girl's best friend, Gus. We still miss him every day. Another life-changer was obviously miracle baby Aria coming and changing our whole family for the better. What did we do without her before? We took an amazing trip to Mexico for our 5 year anniversary. You can imagine how glad we are that we did that instead of putting it off . :)  By the way, I highly recommend a trip away with just you and your spouse. The couple time was great for us to reconnect and fall even deeper in love than we already were.  Now that we are adding three more to our already family of four, I j

A, B and C

Today at my 10 week check-up, (I'm 11 weeks tomorrow) we graduated from our fertility doctor! We had a sonogram to check on the triplets, visited with the doctor and said our goodbyes. I will start seeing my specialist, a perinatologist , in 2 weeks. We are extremely grateful for all the help the doctors and nurses have given us at this office, but it's time to move on! Each baby is growing well. Baby "A" and "B" are the identical twins, sharing one sac. Baby "C" is all by himself. (It's too early to know the sexes, but I refer to them as him and her instead of calling them "it".) The babies. Top to bottom: A, B, C Since Baby C is on his own, in his own sac, he is so far the largest. The twins aren't much smaller, though, and are a good size for their age. Before every appointment I get nervous, anxious and excited- just to name few of the emotions. Once I see all three babies on the screen moving and shaking, I can

Three On the Way!

We recently announced to the world our big, gigantic news. I've been blogging for two years, but the blog has mainly been all about a day in the life of Aria so that I can keep my family and close friends updated on Aria's adorableness. Now that we are expecting triplets, I think this blog is about to take a different turn. Three days after my birthday last month, Levi and I went to a life-changing doctor appointment. Our six week sonogram was to show us if we were having one or two babies after doing a round of IVF. Not long into the appointment, we heard the words "Well, there's two babies in there... Wait, there's two sacs... one with two babies... you actually have three babies!" Triplets were not even on our radar. We had a 40% chance of twins and we didn't discuss any other possibility. Come to find out, one out of one-thousand IVF patients share our story of one embryo splitting in two and all three "sticking". God doesn&