
Although Wednesday is usually my busiest day of the week, I couldn't let today go without a post. It is my "blog-a-versary": my 2 year anniversary of beginning this blog. Little did I know back then that in the next two years would I experience such highs and lows.

One event I think of when it comes to the past two years is the death of our beloved pet and, truly, this girl's best friend, Gus.

We still miss him every day.

Another life-changer was obviously miracle baby Aria coming and changing our whole family for the better. What did we do without her before?

We took an amazing trip to Mexico for our 5 year anniversary. You can imagine how glad we are that we did that instead of putting it off . :) 

By the way, I highly recommend a trip away with just you and your spouse. The couple time was great for us to reconnect and fall even deeper in love than we already were. 

Now that we are adding three more to our already family of four, I just want to take some time to dedicate today to Aria. I am 100% positive that she will be a super big sister. She's only 21 months, but I can already see her kind heart and her love for others.

Just look at how well she takes care of one of her many Minnie Mouse toys. Animal crackers in a high chair? Of course Aria gives Minnie this kind of high-class treatment.

Not a day goes by where she doesn't make us laugh.

She will teach her new sister(s) and yes, probably brothers too, all about fashion.

She will teach her siblings how to be ornery, 

a few things about music,

and last, but not least, how to love their big brother.

Aria- enjoy being the baby for now. Big changes are on the way!


  1. Tiffany,
    I can't tell you enough how excited I am for you and Levi. God has blessed you so much and continues to do so! Love reading your blogs, so encouraging and exciting to see what's going on in your wonderful family's life!


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