Shake, Baby, Shake!

Our first appointment with our perinatologist was today, 12 weeks and 3 days into pregnancy.

Everything went great! We actually will see a whole team of people with each visit, not just our one doctor.

The appointment started with the best part: the sonogram.

Truly astounding.

I'll start with Baby A.

Baby A was facing us and waving hi! "He" has a nice, strong heartbeat of about 160 BPM. There was a lot of moving and shaking going on, as Elvis would say, in his own little sac. "Shake, baby, shake!"

Baby B (heart rate of about 150) seems like a bit of a mischievous little baby.

See that leg sticking up there? "She" was using it quite a bit to kick her twin, who was right on top of her:

Baby C (heart rate of about 140) didn't take any nonsense from her sibling. She jumped and pushed back. I can just hear it now, "Hey! Stop kicking me" with the other yelling, "Welllll, get off me!" Already forming that sibling bond.

The triplets gave us a decent group photo. In utero will probably be the only time they behave well enough to do this.

The babies look wonderful. I am 12 weeks, 3 days, yet all three babies are about the same size and measuring 13 weeks. No complaints about that!

After the sonogram, we had a consultation with our doctor. Most of this time was used to discuss with us all of the scary complications that can come with a high risk pregnancy of triplets. Levi and I agree there is no need to worry about any of it. We will continue to pray, and ask others to pray, for the babies and leave it in God's hands.

Once the scary informational discussion was done, he drew up a picture of my womb.

He talked about the twins sharing a sac, yet each of them have their own placenta and are separated by a membrane. The membrane separation is a good thing because they will be less likely to get "tangled" up. The example he used was, "They both are in the same house, but different rooms."

I go back to this team of doctors and nurses in about 3 weeks. After that, appointments will be every 2 weeks, with detailed sonograms at each visit. Our goal is to get to 36 weeks, but no more than 37 weeks.

All in all, after 3 hours there, I now can say more than just "All I know is I'm having triplets."

Finally, with this gorgeous weather in January, I couldn't leave Aria out of this exciting day.

We went for an easy 1 mile walk and played outside. What a glorious day!

Did you get to play outside today?


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