Three On the Way!

We recently announced to the world our big, gigantic news.

I've been blogging for two years, but the blog has mainly been all about a day in the life of Aria so that I can keep my family and close friends updated on Aria's adorableness.

Now that we are expecting triplets, I think this blog is about to take a different turn.

Three days after my birthday last month, Levi and I went to a life-changing doctor appointment. Our six week sonogram was to show us if we were having one or two babies after doing a round of IVF. Not long into the appointment, we heard the words "Well, there's two babies in there... Wait, there's two sacs... one with two babies... you actually have three babies!"

Triplets were not even on our radar. We had a 40% chance of twins and we didn't discuss any other possibility. Come to find out, one out of one-thousand IVF patients share our story of one embryo splitting in two and all three "sticking". God doesn't make mistakes, this is meant to be!

Our family's reactions were very positive. Everyone is excited for us and ready to help. My favorite announcement was when we told family at our Christmas gathering. They circled around us for our announcement. I said "I'm pregnant!" (claps, cheers) Then I added, "And..." then Levi finished the announcement saying, "We are having triplets!" Everyone was quiet and just looked at us. I said, "No, we aren't kidding!" then the family cheered and we had hugs all around while we told our story.

Big changes have already begun. We sold my Honda that I have owned for ten years,

and we are now minivan owners. I never thought that day would come, but I love this vehicle!

(Picture to come soon. It's been too cold to get out and pose!)

The question I have been asked most is, "Are you freaking out?" The answer is no- surprisingly I'm not. Shocked- definitely. Maybe freak-out mode will come as we get closer to our due date, but as of right now, we are just excited about our growing family. 

Random Facts: 
Craving: canned fruit, corn, chocolate milk
Feeling: very nauseous the past 2 weeks, tired
Sleep: better now that the shock is wearing off


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