A, B and C

Today at my 10 week check-up, (I'm 11 weeks tomorrow) we graduated from our fertility doctor! We had a sonogram to check on the triplets, visited with the doctor and said our goodbyes. I will start seeing my specialist, a perinatologist, in 2 weeks. We are extremely grateful for all the help the doctors and nurses have given us at this office, but it's time to move on!

Each baby is growing well. Baby "A" and "B" are the identical twins, sharing one sac. Baby "C" is all by himself. (It's too early to know the sexes, but I refer to them as him and her instead of calling them "it".)

The babies. Top to bottom: A, B, C
Since Baby C is on his own, in his own sac, he is so far the largest. The twins aren't much smaller, though, and are a good size for their age.

Before every appointment I get nervous, anxious and excited- just to name few of the emotions. Once I see all three babies on the screen moving and shaking, I can finally relax.

The doctor is happy with our progress. It was a good day!

  • I have busted out the Belly Band since my pants no longer button. I have also started washing maternity clothes, but can't bring myself to put on those pants yet.
  • The most commonly asked question this week is about the genders. My guess is that it's a mix: 2 girls and one boy. Although, a friend told me it would be cool to have 2 boys and 1 girl in there so we could have 2 and 2 of the genders in our little ones. 
  • "So you're really not freaking out?" Still no.  I have great peace with the blessings I've been given.
  • Best advice so far: "He gives you the tools to handle what He has given you."
  • Aria and I watched an episode of Dora about Dora having twin baby siblings. I asked Aria if she's excited about us having twins. She said yes. All is right in the world. 
Have a great evening!


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