14 Week Update

I'm 14 weeks pregnant and I feel huge, although some people are asking, "Why aren't you showing yet?" That's very sweet, but...

I don't have any new information on the babies this week, although I can say we bought them their first gift- books!

A co-worker also gave Aria a soon-to-be-big-sister gift:

The Three Little Bears and Three Little Kittens. Are you seeing the theme? Just keep counting to three, Aria.

We have been talking to Aria about the babies in Mommy's belly. Her response is usually to pat my growing stomach and wave at my them. I think we have been chatting about it so much, that she has learned what life may be like once the triplets are here:

More Randomness:

  • Feeling: I could sleep all day. Thanks to my parents for letting me come over once or twice a week with Aria so I can nap while Levi is at work!
  • Craving: Canned fruit, chocolate milk, Dr. Pepper. I'm trying not to eat unhealthy things like cold SpaghettiO's for breakfast, but sometimes it just sounds soooooo good. 
  • Aversions: The smell of meat cooking in BBQ sauce. With Aria, it was the smell of any meat cooking that made me gag. This time around it doesn't seem so bad, although I have tried 2 different crock pot recipes that use BBQ sauce and both times I have gagged. 
  • Sleeping: Like a rock. I'm usually in bed around 8 and up by 5:30 am.
  • Baby movement: I have felt a baby move a couple of times! It happens when I lie on my stomach. It's definitely a baby because I feel like someone punched me from the inside, not just a little "bubble" like it usually feels like early on in a pregnancy. 
  • Baby gender predictions:  I still think it's 2 girls and a boy. Place your bets now because I could be finding out very soon! One more week until my next appointment.
  • Names: Levi and I have started a list. We have a few we like, but for now our lips are sealed. :)
Have a terrific Sunday!


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