Gender Reveal!

I'm a 15 weeks, 3 days pregnant and...

we already know the baby genders! It was a happy and exciting appointment because not only do we know the genders, but all three babies are doing great.

The twins are...


You can imagine how elated Daddy is!

Baby A didn't cooperate 100%, but we are pretty sure Baby A is....

a girl!

She was sitting with her legs crossed, just as a lady should and just as Aria always did in the womb. Eventually she moved around enough to give us an indication of a girl.

The heart rates today were:
A: 145
B: 148
C: 145
All wonderful!

We also measured the amount of fluid each baby had around them. No worries there, that also looked terrific today. The doctors are monitoring this to keep a close eye out for Twin to Twin Transfusion.

As far as my health is concerned, I need to become more active. Many of you know I started to love running after having Aria. When you go through fertility treatments, doctors don't want you to do any high impact exercise, so I quit running. I truly miss it and I miss exercise.

The midwife's suggestion was a balance ball with weights and swimming. The ball is an affordable option and I found some short YouTube videos to help, but I may also check into some fitness centers that have a pool and can also provide child care.

Since meat is sometimes hard to eat because of the smell of it cooking, the midwife also suggested protein shakes. Anyone have any great recipes?

What does Aria think?

She was just happy there were toys at the doctor's office.

My stepson's gender guess was 3 girls. He was only 2 off. :)

Other Random Facts:

  • Feeling: more back to myself. This past week I don't feel like I need sleep constantly, but I will never turn down an opportunity to nap. My feet have started to ache, so I ordered a foot spa
  • Craving: still more of the same: mostly canned fruit and chocolate milk.
  • Baby movement:  definitely feeling more movement this past week. I have felt a HUGE kick, but the rest have been little. The kicks are usually on my right said. The nurse said that's because their placenta is on the other side so there isn't much to cushion the kicks. 
  • Names: We have names picked out, but I will be sharing that later after we make sure they are going to stick. :)
And on a final note, I want to thank everyone for your support. I never thought so many people would tell me how much they enjoy reading our journey on my blog. It makes me love writing about the babies even more! I have even made some new friends along this journey. Thank you, everyone! 

Have a great week!


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