My 20 Things (#Elfforhealth)

The #ElfforHealth challenge for today is to make a list of 20 things you are thankful for. I love my list:

1. Jesus
While maybe sometimes I complain about volunteering at the Christmas Pageant in the orchestra this year because of all the time it takes away from me and my family, ultimately it is the least I could do for the one who died an agonizing death for me.

2. Levi
This week has been a very trying time for Levi and me, but especially Levi. Even though he is hurting, he still steps up to be the man of our house and takes care of us. Levi is a true leader and I am proud to call him my husband.

3. My mom
Last week my babysitter got a 24 hour stomach bug and couldn't watch Aria. My mom came over for the day to watch Aria. Not only did she babysit, she also cleaned up the house for us and did laundry. It was so nice to come home to that.

4. My job
I love my job. Teaching can be very stressful and always involves working more than the typical 40 hour week, but there is nothing else in the world I would rather do.

5. Levi's job
Levi started working with this gas company in January after spending 10 years of his life working for the Walmart Distribution Center. He is so much happier at this job, which makes me happier too.

6. My sisters
My sisters are my best friends. I can always call them when I need a laugh, a cry, a venting session or anything at all.

7. Running
Running has done wonders for me inside and out. It has helped me shed baby weight. It keeps me sane. It keeps me happy. It gives me "me time". It helps me clear my head. It's invigorating.

8. My mother-in-law
Just like my own mother, my husband's mom has our backs. Sometimes being a stepmom feels like the most difficult thing in the world, but Becky will always give us support, love us, and have our backs. There's no one like her.

9. Aria
Aria is our miracle baby. Every day, I am amazed with this beautiful little girl that God has blessed us with.

10. Our doctors
Without our doctors helping us through our infertility, we would never have had Aria. Dr. Starks was the only doctor who diagnosed my endometriosis. I would recommend him to anyone!

11. Colbin
My stepson has helped mold me into the person that I am now in my mid-30s.

12. My warm bed
I recognize that not everyone in the world has it as good as we do. Not only do I have a warm bed, I have many extras that aren't needs, but make our lives more comfortable.

13. My co-workers
AKA- great friends! Not everyone can say their co-workers are also some of their closest friends. This year I have become closer to another co-worker with our morning prayer time. I love my co-workers.

14. My church family
Some days I don't know what I would do without them. My friends in orchestra at FBR are also my second family.

15. Musical Talent
I love playing my violin, especially the past 7 years that I have been playing for God at church. (Thanks, Mom and Dad for letting me start playing way back in the fourth grade!)

16. Gus
It's only been a few weeks since my 8 year-old puppy died and I still miss him terribly. I am so thankful my little sis let me pick him out of the litter 8 years ago. He was the best buddy a girl could ask for.

17. My computer
Writing is a terrific outlet. Whether I am happy, upset or grateful- my MacBook Pro is an awesome tool that helps me with my writing.

18. My students
They're funny and frustrating, but I love every day with them. (OK, almost every day.)

19. Levi's Ability to Fix Anything
From a toilet to our vehicles, Levi saves us a ton of money by knowing how to fix things around the house. And if he doesn't know how to fix it, he somehow figures it out.

20. Dave Ramsey
We've had many set-backs that are keeping us from being totally debt free, but without Dave Ramsey and his program, we would never have been able to have Aria. We wouldn't have paid-for vehicles. We would probably be in a lot of credit card debt. We would not have a financial plan like we do now.

Twenty Things is just about right for a full thankful list. What are you thankful for?


  1. #1, 4, 6, 7, 12, 17, 18...yes, yes, yes, and even more yes! Are we long lost friends? :)

    1. I know, right?! Exactly what I thought when I started following you! :)


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