
Showing posts from April, 2015


This is week 25 and babies are totally healthy! Last week, I didn't write a full blog because there wasn't much to report besides this: It was still an exciting week since we made it to "V-Day". This is slang for when babies reach 24 weeks and are "viable" and are able to live outside the womb if they are pre-term. (Also, when they are legally humans. Insert eye-roll here.) One more week down and one more terrific doctor report. Baby A: heart rate: 144 This little girl was being a stinker. We didn't get any pictures of her. When the sonogram started, she was looking right at us, then I felt her kick and she turned away from the "camera". "No paparazzi today. Please." That's ok, little girl. We all have those days. At least the sonographer was able to get all 3 babies in on a group shot. Sort of. Baby B: heart rate: 143 B wasn't doing much today, but at least I can post a profile picture.

You Are Not Alone

I will have an update on the triplets tomorrow, but for now I want to share on the subject of infertility since as of today it's National Infertility Awareness Week. To do my part to help raise awareness on the struggle disease, I would like to share our story. Back in 2009, Levi and I were young, energetic and excited to get married and start a family. I knew I wanted about two kids and Levi had told me he wanted "a lot of kids", whatever that meant at the time. (I don't think he meant a total of five! :)  ) Silly me was assuming I would be pregnant right after our honeymoon. Months and months went by and I became discouraged and depressed at the thought of not having children with the man of my dreams. I knew I wasn't going to give up, though. We would figure this out. Friends, family and acquaintances would ask us when we would children of our own. There's no easy way to answer that while struggling with infertility. After about a year of b

23 Weeks and Still Not Terrified

What does it feel like to be 23 weeks pregnant with triplets? 1. absolutely nothing like being pregnant with a singleton. This can be a good thing and a bad thing. 2. feet and ankles that don't want you to sit or stand for any length of time 3. a baby disco in your belly times three 4. everything wears you out 5. a "huge" blessing. Emphasis on huge. I'm 23 weeks, but measuring what I would be at 30 weeks with one baby. 6. exciting 7. surprisingly not 100% terrifying.  But that's just me.  On to the triplets.  Every 3 weeks we have lengthy appointments for growth scans where they measure every major body part on each baby. Today that took about an hour and forty-five minutes. For me it's not easy lying on a little table that long, but I powered through! Baby A heart rate: 144 weight: one pound, eight ounces This little girl could not sit still today. You would think it would be difficult for the sonographer to get

The Nursery's Finished!

The nursery is done! Sure, I have a few more things to add like sheets, but the babies now have a room to call their own. Finishing the basement and moving my stepson down there is still a work in progress, but it won't be much longer. I cannot believe this nursery used to be his room. The difference is night and day! Before: The nursery would not have been done this soon without my friend Beth. She is an interior design angel! Beth spent our spring break this weekend painting and creating. It took her about one evening to paint and hang curtains. Another day this weekend was spent adding the decorations and furniture. After:  The only thing we had ready to go before Beth came in was the grey cribs. Beth found this amazing dresser, which she painted white.  She made the "No wake zone" sign out of her old fence posts. The frames on the wall will eventually be filled with each baby's newborn picture. That foot rest Aria is st