Triplets: Easter Edition

Did everyone have a good Easter? Our family's day was fabulous.

I love Easter for the family time, but I also love this holiday more than any other because every year, the day refreshes my faith as a Christian. There is no greater love than the love Jesus has for everyone on this earth. 

The other great thing about Easter is the egg hunting! Egg hunting was definitely more fun this year for Aria then it was last year. She is still carrying her basket full of eggs around the house.

As for the triplet pregnancy, I am 22 weeks and feeling good!

This weekend we took time out to also work on the house and the nursery. I do great as long as I work in spurts. (Work, rest, repeat...)

Aria was a super helper too. She helped Daddy put cribs together and helped Mommy unload tubs of baby girl clothes and shampoo the carpets. 

Yes, we were all working in our PJs! 

The baby room is just about finished. I am waiting on one more addition before I post pictures. 

With everything we got done this weekend, it made me uber excited to see the babies again today.

The appointment was so quick, all we have to show for it is a few profile pictures.

Baby A:

Heart rate: 139

Yesterday she was extremely active, way more than her brothers. She loves kicking my bladder! She must have known I was writing about her because she just did it as I wrote that. :)

Baby B: 

Heart rate: 153

I don't think I notice Baby B's movements as much as his brother's. It may just be that it is hard to tell the two apart. As twins, imagine that!

Baby C: 

Heart rate: 147

Baby C loves when I eat. He also loves music. During orchestra rehearsals, he starts off the dance party, then his siblings join in. They kick so hard I can see my belly move.

Other great news: I got a request to participate in jury duty this summer. I didn't think I needed to be serving on a jury while I'm 9 months pregnant or right after the triplets are born. Since my doctor agrees, no jury duty for me! At least, not this time around anyway.

Have a great week and stay tuned for the nursery pictures! Here's a sneak peek:




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