
This is week 25 and babies are totally healthy!

Last week, I didn't write a full blog because there wasn't much to report besides this:

It was still an exciting week since we made it to "V-Day". This is slang for when babies reach 24 weeks and are "viable" and are able to live outside the womb if they are pre-term. (Also, when they are legally humans. Insert eye-roll here.)

One more week down and one more terrific doctor report.

Baby A:

heart rate: 144

This little girl was being a stinker. We didn't get any pictures of her. When the sonogram started, she was looking right at us, then I felt her kick and she turned away from the "camera".

"No paparazzi today. Please."

That's ok, little girl. We all have those days.

At least the sonographer was able to get all 3 babies in on a group shot. Sort of.

Baby B:

heart rate: 143

B wasn't doing much today, but at least I can post a profile picture.

Baby C:

heart rate: 144

This little guy was the camera hog today.

Dare I also say he was the ornery one today by the looks of this next picture?

Put that finger down, young man.

Mommy Report:

I have days where I feel pretty good considering I am carrying three babies. Other days, I can't really function and there doesn't seem to be any in between.  I'm not sure what causes me to be so uncomfortable and in pain one day and not the next exactly, but it's just one of those things that comes with the triplet territory.

For example, Saturday. Not a great day for me. We stayed in all day and didn't do much.

Sunday- completely different story. I had energy and wanted to get stuff done. So I worked on this project to make room for baby junk:


Aria always wants to help, so she got the mop and her vacuum out to do some cleaning.

We even got around to organizing puzzles. (I need more of these blue paper organizers!)

Today was a big day, so I'm thankful I have good helpers.

Have a great week!


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