23 Weeks and Still Not Terrified

What does it feel like to be 23 weeks pregnant with triplets?

1. absolutely nothing like being pregnant with a singleton. This can be a good thing and a bad thing.
2. feet and ankles that don't want you to sit or stand for any length of time
3. a baby disco in your belly times three
4. everything wears you out
5. a "huge" blessing. Emphasis on huge. I'm 23 weeks, but measuring what I would be at 30 weeks with one baby.
6. exciting
7. surprisingly not 100% terrifying. 

But that's just me. 

On to the triplets. 

Every 3 weeks we have lengthy appointments for growth scans where they measure every major body part on each baby. Today that took about an hour and forty-five minutes. For me it's not easy lying on a little table that long, but I powered through!

Baby A

heart rate: 144

weight: one pound, eight ounces

This little girl could not sit still today. You would think it would be difficult for the sonographer to get her measurements, but she said with all babies she probably had the best anatomy scan ever. 

Check out her long, stretched-out leg!

It was a nice surprise that we got to sneak in a 4D shot of Baby A's face. She looks like she's all smiles!


I think, just like Aria, she has my nose. Finally, some good shots of our baby girl!

Here's her little profile:

Baby B:

heart rate: 143

weight: one pound, eleven ounces

It took us a while to differentiate between Baby B and Baby C. Then I remembered that at one point Baby B's butt was on A's face and that seemed to help the sonographer figure out which was which. 


This is my favorite of Baby B. He looks like he will be a great punter in football:




Baby C:

heart rate: 145

weight: one pound, eight ounces (All babies are right on target with weight and size. Obviously Baby B is a little ahead.)

Sometimes we get these random pictures that are nicely labeled, but I still don't see it. This one is supposed to be Baby C sticking his tongue out. There is a little computerized hand pointing at it, but I still don't get it. Do you see it?

Again, no sign of TTTS being a problem this week. The doctor was happy the boys have rather large bellies for their age. This seems to be a good sign.

Following the sonogram, we meet with the doctor to discuss my health. With spring in the air, I have been reliant on my rescue inhaler. Apparently using the inhaler twice a day is too much. My next step is to find an allergist who can help me out with what's best for my lungs.

I'll also need to see another specialist because of my heart palpitations. This can be common in pregnancy due to the body producing more blood, but the doctor wants me checked out just in case.

My doctor was happy that I purchased a set of compression hose for my painful varicose veins in my right ankle. The hose also support my growing belly. (You can imagine how sexy I feel in them!) They do seem to help, though.

It was a long day, but once I finally got home to Aria I was a happy, relaxed mommy again.

Aria got a baby for her birthday that will prepare her to help us with all the babies.

This baby needs her bottle and makes drinking noises. When Aria takes the bottle from the doll's mouth she cries. 

 Aria's way of handling a crying baby is to say, "Uh oh" and hand it to me. The cute factor is really turned up when she lays the baby on my chest, but she too lays on my chest when the baby cries. All day yesterday I practiced cuddling 2 babies.

I don't know how it will be done with four kids age two and under, but I am excited to find out. 

Have a great week!


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