
Showing posts from May, 2015

Squished Squash Triplets

I didn't have anyone around today to take my 29 week picture, so I did the best I could in selfie mode. This week, the babies are even more squished and about the size of a butternut squash.  I'm carrying 9 pounds of baby in me! Because of this, the sonogram pictures are getting less and less and just not that great of a snapshot.  Baby A: Livi heart rate: 141 weight: 2 pounds, 12 ounces Livi's weight might not be very accurate due to the fact that she was being very difficult to measure this morning. She has amazingly found a way to flip head down, despite the fact that she's the one with the least room in there.  In the picture above, Livi is looking at the camera with her arm up over her head. The sonographer typed "It's real, Mom" because I joked about how "The struggle is real" with this pregnancy becoming increasingly harder, especially the past week. Livi looks like she is mirroring my attitude with her

Hello, Third Trimester!

What an incredible feeling to make it to third trimester and 28 weeks with triplets. Today's appointment went smoothly and all babies are healthy. Baby A: Livi heart rate: 143 We saw her lungs moving while she practiced her breathing again this week. Livi does not like it when I have anything in my bladder. Apparently this takes up too much of her room, so she kicks up a storm until I finally go to the bathroom every 30 minutes to an hour. Baby B: Beckett heart rate 153 Beckett was the camera hog today. toes foot (his leg is crossed) He even showed off his fat rolls! Baby C: Henry heart rate: 152                                        Yesterday I was in a lot of pain, so bad that I hardly ate all day. Everything hurt, but the worst was the sharp, stabbing pain under my left ribs. I knew the boys had moved quite a bit because of this. I told the sonographer this before she started my scan this morning. She started with Livi, who

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Wow, it's my last week in my second trimester ! Today marks 27 weeks, 3 days.  I had my second one-hour glucose test this morning after our sonogram. Last time I passed with flying colors, so hopefully that happens again. The babies were wide awake and ready to say hi to everyone today. Livi (Baby A): heart rate: 134 The sonographer pointed to where we could see Livi's lungs moving up and down while she practiced her breathing. It was amazing! Livi also has cute, chunky cheeks.  Beckett (Baby B): heart rate: 132 To make out where Beckett's face is in this picture, look to the right of the picture. His forehead is to the far right and he's looking straight at us. You might also notice he is poking himself in his right eye with his finger. Baby C: Henry heart rate: (I can't remember. Oops.) His head is just under my right ribs. I noticed he moved there Saturday night when I could find no comfortable sitting pos

Baby Name Announcement Day

26 weeks . Only ten more weeks until we hit our goal of 36 weeks! The babies are growing so well. says at 26 weeks , one baby should weigh about 1 and 2/3 pounds, but all 3 of our babies are bigger than that. With the excitement of Prince William and Kate announcing their baby girls' name toda y (Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge), I thought I would also announce our babies' names that we picked out the day we learned what their genders were. Baby A:   heart rate: 145 weight 2 lbs. 3 ounces name: Livi Mae Gilmore We decided to name our own princess Livi as a spin-off of Levi's name. It's like Junior, but for a girl. Livi let us see her pretty face today. Her belly is big, measuring 2 weeks ahead! That baby fat will come in handy when she is born. Baby B:  heart rate: 147 weight: 2 pounds, 3 ounces name: Beckett James Gilmore Levi decided he just liked the name Beckett. There's really no story behind it. His