Hello, Third Trimester!

What an incredible feeling to make it to third trimester and 28 weeks with triplets.

Today's appointment went smoothly and all babies are healthy.

Baby A: Livi
heart rate: 143

We saw her lungs moving while she practiced her breathing again this week.

Livi does not like it when I have anything in my bladder. Apparently this takes up too much of her room, so she kicks up a storm until I finally go to the bathroom every 30 minutes to an hour.

Baby B: Beckett
heart rate 153

Beckett was the camera hog today.


foot (his leg is crossed)

He even showed off his fat rolls!

Baby C: Henry
heart rate: 152


Yesterday I was in a lot of pain, so bad that I hardly ate all day. Everything hurt, but the worst was the sharp, stabbing pain under my left ribs. I knew the boys had moved quite a bit because of this.

I told the sonographer this before she started my scan this morning. She started with Livi, who was still in the same position. Beckett was in the same position as well, then we got to Hank. He had completely flipped so that his head is now where his feet were last week. He and Beckett were basically cheek to cheek just under my left ribs. They looked like they were cuddling. So adorable and so worth the pain I was feeling yesterday.

In other news, my sister threw me a baby shower this weekend with the help of my mom and another friend, Jessica.

Aria not only got to play with her friends during the party, she also got to open gifts for herself Jessica's girls brought her.

These ladies are so creative!

It was a great day with great people,

and great gifts!


Now I just need to organize the loot.

Triplet Momma:
Thank goodness Wednesday is the last day of school. I couldn't make it much longer! I'll be glad to be able to relax more: take naps when Aria does, not wear myself out running around getting us ready in the morning, etc. I do hope to do some little adventures here and there this summer with Aria before the babies come.

Have a great week!


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